Cyber Security Tactics to Protect the Cloud

The tactics and technologies used to safeguard cloud computing infrastructures from both external and internal cyber-attacks are referred to as cloud security. Cloud computing, or the delivery of information technology services over the internet, has become a...

How to Make a Deal with Ransomware Attackers

As the number of ransomware assaults increases around the world, so does the demand for negotiation services, which is difficult to meet. Criminals are becoming increasingly adept at profiting from their access to your network. They target a company encrypts all its...

What is to be done if your laptop is stolen?

It can be a terrible experience to have your laptop stolen. Someone else might potentially acquire access to your entire life, given everything we carry on our phones these days. A laptop is stolen every 53 seconds, according to studies. The great majority, according...

Best Practices Moving Workloads to the Cloud Securely

A growing number of businesses and organisations see shifting some of their IT workloads to the public cloud as not just a smart decision, but also a critical component of their overall IT strategy. Enabling the secure transfer of workloads to the cloud in this...

Questions to Ask Before Buying Cyber Security Insurance

In the event of a cyber-attack, cyber insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance, is advantageous as a kind of financial mitigation. The jargon, however, can be obtaining a policy and finding the correct insurer challenging for individuals inexperienced with...

Benefits of Managed IT Services

Every organization need someone to handle IT Services in order to ensure business work effectively. Many start-ups, medium companies do not have space and finance to keep IT Services in-house. That’s why many SMB Companies lean towards outsourcing Managed IT...