Difference Between L1, L2 And L3 Technical Support

Technical support is a programme that assists consumers of technology with goods or services. IT support, help desk, or service desk is also known as technical support. Technical support usually focuses on assisting with a particular user issue or concern, in...

Security Operations Centre (SOC) Buyers Guide

The current utilities that you can now outsource instead of building in-house are SOC (Security Operations Centre). But should you entrust a third party with them? Yeah, but make sure that you know how to select the finest. What is SOC? SOC stands for a Security...

Why Ad-Hoc / Managed IT Support Is Better Than An Internal IT Team?

You will need IT help, regardless of the size of your business. Outsourcing your funding for IT guarantees that your organisation operates smoothly. In addition, it also encourages the internal IT workers to focus on more strategic, profit-driven activities and...

Benefits Of Co-Managed IT Services

It’s important that your organisation has access to IT resources in today’s environment, but that doesn’t mean it has to be done in-house. Many organisations are turning to outsourced, co-managed IT services, which is why they have seen such rapid growth in this...

What Is STaaS?

Originally, Storage as a Service (STaaS) was seen as a cost-effective way for small and medium-sized companies without the technical staff and budget control to develop and manage their own storage infrastructure. Lately, companies of all sizes utilize STaaS. STaaS...

Challenges To Overcome During The Cloud Adoption Process

The business landscape is changing. Most of the organisations now have remote workers, multiple offices, and to support these running multiple computing tools and platforms. New changes bring greater opportunities but challenge too for the business leaders, especially...