US Cyber attack

The US Department of Energy states that it has been struck by the Sunburst hack In what is described as the worst-ever hack on the US government, the US energy department is the latest agency to confirm it has been breached. The department is responsible for the...

How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Provider?

Every website requires a host website. A website host is what offers a place to live for your website and makes it available to visitors. For website hosting, there are several different choices, with a wide range of price points and features. It will help you to find...

How to make your remote working secure and convenient?

One of the most important, and most ignored, aspects of working from home is technology. We like to believe that our digital environment is plug and play and indefinitely portable, but to make your home office and related technology as usable and resilient as...

Common IT headaches caused by working from home over a long term

With work habits that look set to require working away from crowded workplaces for the near future, it is now more important than ever to have the freedom to work from anywhere on a platform that is comfortable and suitable for your workload. However, for many SMEs,...

Automated Pen Testing: Will humans be replaced?

The prospect of, and even the danger of, computers and machines taking over the day-to-day work that humans once performed is also illustrated by science fiction books, TV shows, and movies. Although in some cases this has come to fruition, such as with many...