What Is A vCIO And Why Do You Need One?

What Is A vCIO And Why Do You Need One?

An experienced IT specialist who has an in-depth knowledge of business strategy and technology is a virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO). Could your company profit from strategic IT planning that aligns your strategy and investment in technology with your overall...
Internal Ransomware Attack And How To Prevent It ?

Internal Ransomware Attack And How To Prevent It ?

Ransomware attacks are growing each day. There are many reasons for an internal ransomware attack. Cybercriminals have been creating various methods to lure their victim. One of the main methods they use for ransomware is phishing emails. With an intention of...
Network Defence As Service

Network Defence As Service

To protect organisations from cyber threats, network defence management is important. Network Defence as a Service helps to identify, detect, and respond to threats to your network easily and effectively without needing any additional hardware, software, or people. By...
What Is A Hybrid Workforce And How To Secure Them?

What Is A Hybrid Workforce And How To Secure Them?

Companies are gradually embracing a hybrid workforce model across a variety of industries: AI (Artificial Intelligence)-powered digital colleagues work alongside their human counterparts and assist them. The global transition to a remote workforce has redefined the...