Benefits Of Co-Managed IT Services

It’s important that your organisation has access to IT resources in today’s environment, but that doesn’t mean it has to be done in-house. Many organisations are turning to outsourced, co-managed IT services, which is why they have seen such rapid growth in this...

What Is STaaS?

Originally, Storage as a Service (STaaS) was seen as a cost-effective way for small and medium-sized companies without the technical staff and budget control to develop and manage their own storage infrastructure. Lately, companies of all sizes utilize STaaS. STaaS...

Challenges To Overcome During The Cloud Adoption Process

The business landscape is changing. Most of the organisations now have remote workers, multiple offices, and to support these running multiple computing tools and platforms. New changes bring greater opportunities but challenge too for the business leaders, especially...

What is a Smart Meeting Room?

Today, around 90 percent of all meeting information is lost when the meeting is over. What’s more, just 45% of the entire duration of the meeting is active. Do you want to connect with employees working remotely or in offices around the world in a more effective...

What is CISOaaS?

The Chief Information Security Officer-as-a-Service (CISOaaS) offers access to the skills needed to respond to today’s threats and prepare for those of tomorrow as a part of our assistance services. Hiring a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for some...